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FlowerPotNursery Sumatra Caudata Hoya Hoya caudata Sumatra 4" Basket

The Flower Pot Nursery

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Hoya caudata is a plant species of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) from the subfamily of milkweed ( Asclepiadoideae ). The species is native to southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Sumatra (Indonesia).

Hoya caudata has filamentous, twining, densely hairy stems. Young shoots are deep red and have bristly hairs, older shoots are green and almost bare. The plant climbs on trees, but also on rocks. Adventitious roots are formed at the points on the shoots where they are needed to anchor the plant securely to the substrate. The leaves are sparsely distributed along the shoots and hang downwards. They are usually opposite, but often only one leaf per leaf node develops , and not all leaf nodes develop leaves at all. the leaveshave a short, coarsely hairy stalk, which becomes increasingly glabrous with age. The thick, fleshy but rigid leaf blades are ovate, oblong-ovate to lanceolate. Are long pointed at the outer end, the base is heart-shaped. The leaf blades are dark green with a white speckle pattern and often turn red in direct sunlight. Young leaves are initially hairy and become glabrous with age. Leaf veining is pinnate, but hardly pronounced. All parts have a white or yellow milky sap.

The umbel-shaped inflorescence consists of 8 to 10 flowers. It is flat to slightly concave and hangs downwards. The persistent stem of the inflorescence is relatively thin, curved and downy hairy. The petals are fused at the base. The ovate petal tipsare tailed and pointed, the apices of the tips are curled. The petals are white to pale pink and have dense downy hairs on the inside. The marginal, long hairs are felty.

The staminal coronary lobes are elliptic-ovate with an outer round, deep red or light red process and an inner, pointed, white or dark red process. The whitish extension of the stamens is drawn out like a whip.

Give credit where credit is due: Wikipedia 2022

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