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FlowerPotNursery Big Leaf Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia complexa Big Leaf 6" Basket

The Flower Pot Nursery

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Muehlenbeckia complexa, commonly known as pohuehue (Māori: pōhuehue), although this name also applies to some other climbers such as Muehlenbeckia australis.

Muehlenbeckia complexa is one of 50 species of shrubs, that are divided into 21 family groups known to be divaricate, with interlaced branches and reduced number of leaves, this trait is rather unique to New Zealand with very little divaricate species being found elsewhere in the world. M. complexa is a vascular native of New Zealand, belonging to the Polygonaceae family. M. complexa forms a dense thick mass of interlaced branches. The stems are slender and creep or twine over other plants or rocks, without support it will climb upon itself. Forming thick and dense prostrate masses. When it occurs near the shore, frequently assumes cushion form. The stems are tough and woody, with numerous branches tightly interlaced, bark is red-brown in colour and have a wiry appearance. The leaves are petiolate, variable in shape and size, even on the same plant. Leaves may have lobed or entire margins. The leaves are rather sparse on slender stalks, up to 1cm long, the leaf blade ranges from 5mm to 20cm long by 2 to 15mm long. The flowers are delightfully scented and are supported on spikes approximately 2 cm long, that emerge from the leaf axils and the tips of branchlets. The flowers are small, dioecious and contain 8 stamens. As the flowers age, they enlarge into succulent fruits that are semi transparent with a shiny, black, triangular shaped seeds located in the centre of the fruits. It is semi-deciduous, losing most, or all of its leaves over winter.

Give credit where credit is due: Wikipedia 2022

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